Maritime English – Собеседование с кадетами в крюинге. Вопросы и ответы.

What is your birth date? My birthdate is the twenty-fourth of June 1997 / I was born on the 24th of June 1997.
What are you? (What do you do? / What is your profession (position, job) ? I am a electrical engineer (deck, engine) cadet.
What is your family (marital) status? I am single.
What is your education? (Where do you study)? I am the fifth year full day student (cadet) of Odessa National Maritime Academy of electrical engineer faculty (navigation, marine engineering).
Я студент заочного отделения судоводительского факультета I am the student the of Odessa National Maritime Academy of navigation faculty by correspondence (electrical engineer faculty, marine engineering faculty).
Do you have any sea experience? Yes, I made 3 contracts. My first contract lasted 4 months, second contract lasted 5.5 months and my last contract lasted about 6 months. Besides i have 3 month experience on the port tug as a cadet during my training practice.
How long did your last contract last? It lasted about 6 months.
What is your total sea experience? About 19 (ninetten) months.
What is your rank experience as seaman? During all my sea experience i worked as an electrical engineering (deck, engine) cadet.
What is your experience with foreign employers and foreign crew?  

My two last contracts were made for V-ship and Spectra companies. On my bulk carrier “CSL Sadakona” for V-ships company i worked in Ukrainian- Russian crew and on the container vessel “Hyundai Independence” for Spectra company i worked in a mixed crew.

Did you work in a mixed crew?  Yes, I did. In my last contract i worked in mixed crew. There were Philippinos, Turkish, Bulgarians, Rumanians, Yugoslavians.
What language did you communicate with foreign speaking crew-members? I communicated with them in English, Russian and Bulgarian.
Did you have any problems with foreign speaking crewmembers? No, I didnt.
What languages do you speak? I speak English, Russian.
Where did you study English? In the Academy, private teachers and on my own.

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