What were trading areas of your ships? (Where did your ships operate?) My ships sailed the Black Sea, The Mediterranean Sea, The Pacific Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The Atlantic ocean, The Rhine river, The South-Eastern seas, Australian and New Zealand coasts regions, North Europe coast region, practically all over the world (or worldwide). […]
READ MOREDefinitions of terms to be used in connection with ARPA performance IMO standards Heading means the direction in which the bows of a ship are pointing expressed as an angular displacemement from north. Targetʼs predicted Motion means a prediction of future target motion based on linear extrapolation from its present motion as determined by past […]
READ MOREHow do you improve (develop) your English? How do you develop your English? I work hard at my English every day on my own and with a private teacher. I read and translate texts, learn new words and expresions and communicate with my friends and my teacher. What are your plans for future? […]
READ MOREWhat is your birth date? My birthdate is the twenty-fourth of June 1997 / I was born on the 24th of June 1997. What are you? (What do you do? / What is your profession (position, job) ? I am a electrical engineer (deck, engine) cadet. What is your family (marital) […]
READ MOREавтоматический пусковой воздушный клапан automatic starting air valve баллон воздушный air reservoir баллон пускового воздуха starting air bottle (xreservoir) биоустановка bio unit валогенератор shaft generator вентилятор вытяжной exhauster / exhaust fan вентилятор осевой axial flow fan вентилятор центробежный centrifugal fan вентиляторы машинного отделения engine-room ventilation fans вентиляционный зонт ventilation canopy деаэротор deaerator дейдвудное устройство, дейдвуд […]
READ MOREтанк отработанного масла waste (dirty) oil tank танк отстойный settling tank танк питьевой воды drinking-water tank танки балластные (чистый балласт) water ballast (WB) tanks танки диз. топлива (для ГД) (main engine) diesel oil tanks танки топливо-балластные fuel ballast (FB) tanks телеграф машинный engine telegraph тельфер trolley hoist термостат thermostat токарная мастерская workshop турбогенератор turbogenerator устройство […]
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